Projects - 2012

Restoration of the main building of Heimtali manor
Location: Pärsti Parish, Viljandi County, EstoniaClient: Pärsti Municipality Government
Brief: Heritage and construction owner’s supervision of restoration of the main building of Heimtali manor (Heimtali Basic School). Complex expert analysis of a restoration-construction project; Bill of quantities; Preparation of the construction tender documentation and conducting the procurement process; Consulting services.
Architectural monument
Originally built in 1893
American Corner Retail and Logistics Park
Location: Rae Parish, Harju County, EstoniaClient: Süda Maja Ltd (real estate development company)
Brief: Building site vertical planning (total area with associated outreach is 1 000 000 m2) and detailed design of infrastructure systems for plots of Factory Outlet Centre (plot area: 45 000 m2) and Hypermarket shopping complex (plot area: 30 000 m2)
Virumaa College of University of Technology Oil Shale Competence Centre
Location: 75 Järveküla road, Kohtla-Järve, EstoniaClient: Tallinn University of Technology
Brief: Functional composition of the building - oil shale centre of competence for development and test labs, engine testing lab, engine control equipment lab, display testing lab, environmental research lab, oils and fluids lab, oil shale research lab, fuel analysis lab, lab for elementary analysis, chromatography lab, organic chemistry lab, technical support facilities and workshops, conference rooms, storage rooms with specific conditions, working spaces for scientists, experts, engineers, laboratory technicians and researchers.
Architect - Ott Ojamaa, Arhitektrum
Main Building of the University of Tartu
Location: 18 Ülikooli st., Tartu, EstoniaClient: University of Tartu
Brief: Reconstruction design of engineering systems (incl. heating-, ventilation- and cooling systems, water supply, sewerage, fire-fighting water, building control system and remote monitoring solution for building HVAC systems) of the main building of University of Tartu. Expert analysis for the reconstruction project of Natural History Museum of University of Tartu (located at 46 Vanemuise st., Tartu).
Architectural monument

Expert Analysis Services for University of Tartu
Location: Tartu, EstoniaClient: University of Tartu
Brief: Expert analysis for the reconstruction project of Natural History Museum (located at 46 Vanemuise st., Tartu) and Institute of Physics of University of Tartu (located at 42 Viljandi road, Tartu).
Reconstruction and extension design of an academic buildings complex and infrastructure systems of Sillamäe Vocational School
Location: 13 Tallinna road, Sillamäe, Ida-Viru CountyClient: Sillamäe Vocational School
Brief: Reconstruction design of a workshop and practical training building, academic building and dormitory as well as design of an extension to food technology laboratory and car park including reconstruction design of infrastructure systems.

Design of Tuorla school campus
Location: Tuorlantie 1, Piikkiö, FinlandClient: Peimarin koulutuskuntayhtymä
Brief: structural engineering design

Reconstruction design of Tallinn Pedagogical College – main building and dormitory
Location: 49 Räägu st./4 Siidisaba st., Tallinn, EstoniaClient: Tallinn Pedagogical College

Design of Kulosaare Kindergarten
Location: Kyösti Kallion tie 1, Helsinki, FinlandClient: Oy Rakennuskultti/HKR-Rakennuttaja
Brief: element design

Design of a new playground for Ogeli Kindergarten
Location: Mäkitorppantie, Helsinki, FinlandClient: City of Helsinki, Real Estate Department
Brief: Heating, ventilation, water supply and sewerage systems engineering design in a composition of the HVAC and water supply and sewerage systems engineering framework agreement for 2012-2014