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Amhold is committed to being an environmental leader. We embrace our responsibility, integrating environmental considerations into our business and offering innovative architectural and engineering solutions that protect the environment.

In its activities, Amhold applies the following environmental principles:
1. We implement, develop and use an environmental management system that complies with international standards (ISO 14001).
2. We follow all the relevant Estonian and international environment-related legal acts.
3. We meet or exceed applicable government requirements and voluntary requirements to which Amhold subscribes. Set and adhere to stringent requirements of our own.
4. We analyse the environmental impact of our operations in advance and reduce the negative impact of power production and transmission by means of technological solutions and innovation as well as by increasing efficiency, reducing losses and implementing management systems.
5. We apply the best available technology and support sustainable development by waste prevention, waste recycling and improved efficiency of the power system.
6. We provide employees with the knowledge and training to make environmentally sound decisions in a workplace of choice.
7. We strive to be an environmentally responsible neighbour in the communities where we operate.
8. We strive to continually improve Amhold's environmental management system and performance.

Our policy and the associated Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) shall be reviewed regularly to ensure continuing suitability and efficacy.